All CDC theory lesson are “free” for the first time because the fee are included in the enrollment fee. A fee will be charged if you are attending the same lesson for subsequent time. Try to book CDC theory lesson 1 & 2 in one day and CDC theory lesson 3 & 4 in another day. The same applies for defensive riding theory lesson. However, you do not have to attend the lesson in sequential order. Please do not waste your cancellation count to cancel your theory lesson. It is not worthwhile doing so.
Remember to bring your booklet so that they can stamp on your booklet. There is no dress code for all theory lessons and there is no need to bring helmet, glove and Elbow & knee guards. You may want to bring the 2 handbooks given to you when you enrolled so that you can take down important note or highlight important point.
Nothing much to say about the lessons except that you cannot be late for more than 10 – 15 minutes. This is because the instructor may not want to mark your attendance. Moreover, the system may not allow the instructor to mark your attendance if you are too late for the lesson. Do visit this post to learn more about other CDC practical lessons. If you have not gotten your elbow and knee, you can check out my online store below to get it.
Pls do try to complete all your theory lessons and tests as soon as possible to prevent any bottlenecking. Both theory and practical lesson can be cleared at the same time. Some learners progress were impeded as they are unable to book their next practical lesson due to not clearing their theory lessons and tests fast enough. Do visit this post to learn more about other CDC practical lessons.
As i am no longer learning in CDC, i might not be able to give the most updated information. Thus, i am forming a telegram group so that i can create a learner community to engage all CDC motorcycle learner whereby you all can share your learning experience and learn from each other. Do join the Telegram group by clicking here. The link is
Telegram is chosen instead of whatapp because it allows user to create username and hide your handphone number. Do consider to install telegram from google app store.
If you have any question or thing that you do not understand, you can contact via telegram or email. For faster response, please contact me via telegram or whatsapp. The QR code is the link to contact me via telegram. Telegram is messaging app for smartphone similar to whatapp.

Where to report for all theory lessons?
i think it is level 2 or level 3.